- The Kirkgate Centre, Cockermouth on Friday 8th November, when we'll be playing at the Glittering Ball for the Cockermouth Georgian Fair.
- This one's just for Women's Institute People, I suppose, but we'll be playing for Plumbland WI on December 4th.
- Friday 20th December we'll be at St Kentigern's, Aspatria, and I believe there'll be a serpent-player involved in proceedings too! Watch this space for further news.
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
A few forthcoming gigs
These will be posted on our diary page as well, but please look out for us at:
Monday, 10 June 2013
Concert for Isel Church Bells June 8th 2013
Piping Hot played some music to help raise some money for the new bells at the church of St Michael and All Angels, Isel, which dates, in parts, from about 1130 AD.
It's the most beautiful, atmospheric little church I know of, close by the River Derwent (and therefore in danger of flooding, as the parishioners know to their cost). The graveyard, lit on a summer's evening by a low sun through what is really a wildflower meadow with gravestones, looks like the perfect place to spend eternity.
Last night we were joined by two of the next generation of recorder virtuosi - Frances and Alannah, who played with members of the group on Feed the Birds and Oom Pah Pah. As well as our large family of recorders, we also played flutes, clarinet, accordion and guitar at various points during the evening. We are nothing if not versatile!
The audience was delightful. They can come back any time!
We started with a couple of little surprises, which might be more commonly heard at Christmas time. Of course, our previous attempt to entertain the Isel community was last December, when the electricity supply failed and we gamely played on by candlelight in the freezing cold, while a few very brave audience members sat stoically and listened. Most people failed even to arrive at the church, however, because of the fearsomely icy roads.
So that concert was curtailed halfway through. The next tune would have been one perfectly suited to a concert in aid of bells, so we thought we'd carry on last night where we left off in December.
(You can see more photos of the beautiful churchyard, and the famous bells by clicking on this link . The bells will be dedicated by the Bishop of Carlisle on Tuesday, June 11th.)
First half
Ding Dong - traditional, arr. Val Hetherington
Hush, Hush, Hush - traditional Austrian Christmas song
Volte 11 and Volte 12 - Michael Preaetorius (1571-1621)
Pase el Agoa - Villancicos (Cancionero de Palacio)
Galliard: 1000 Ducats in the bag; Pavane: Tausend Dukaten - Tielman Susato (1500-61)
Galliard: Muy Linda - Anthony Holborne (1545-1602)
Divertimento - J.B.Vanhal (1739-1813) arr Klaus Bjerre 2003
Serenata - Brian Bonsor (1926-2011)
Second half
Feed the Birds - from Mary Poppins
Oom Pah Pah - from Oliver
Oranges and Lemons - trad. arr. Rachel McConkey
Scots Songs Medley - arr Ally McGurk. Mostly trad apart from "Keep Right On" by Sir Harry Lauder.
North Country Medley - trad. arr. Rachel Hecht McConkey
Paper Doll - Johnny S.Black arr. D. Bloodworth
By the Light of the Silvery Moon - Gus Edwards (1879-1945)
Circus Medley - various composers, arr. Rachel Hecht McConkey
La Java Bleue - Vincent Scotto (1874-1952)
It's the most beautiful, atmospheric little church I know of, close by the River Derwent (and therefore in danger of flooding, as the parishioners know to their cost). The graveyard, lit on a summer's evening by a low sun through what is really a wildflower meadow with gravestones, looks like the perfect place to spend eternity.
Last night we were joined by two of the next generation of recorder virtuosi - Frances and Alannah, who played with members of the group on Feed the Birds and Oom Pah Pah. As well as our large family of recorders, we also played flutes, clarinet, accordion and guitar at various points during the evening. We are nothing if not versatile!
The audience was delightful. They can come back any time!

So that concert was curtailed halfway through. The next tune would have been one perfectly suited to a concert in aid of bells, so we thought we'd carry on last night where we left off in December.
(You can see more photos of the beautiful churchyard, and the famous bells by clicking on this link . The bells will be dedicated by the Bishop of Carlisle on Tuesday, June 11th.)
First half
Ding Dong - traditional, arr. Val Hetherington
Hush, Hush, Hush - traditional Austrian Christmas song
Volte 11 and Volte 12 - Michael Preaetorius (1571-1621)
Pase el Agoa - Villancicos (Cancionero de Palacio)
Galliard: 1000 Ducats in the bag; Pavane: Tausend Dukaten - Tielman Susato (1500-61)
Galliard: Muy Linda - Anthony Holborne (1545-1602)
Divertimento - J.B.Vanhal (1739-1813) arr Klaus Bjerre 2003
Serenata - Brian Bonsor (1926-2011)
Second half
Feed the Birds - from Mary Poppins
Oom Pah Pah - from Oliver
Oranges and Lemons - trad. arr. Rachel McConkey
Scots Songs Medley - arr Ally McGurk. Mostly trad apart from "Keep Right On" by Sir Harry Lauder.
North Country Medley - trad. arr. Rachel Hecht McConkey
Paper Doll - Johnny S.Black arr. D. Bloodworth
By the Light of the Silvery Moon - Gus Edwards (1879-1945)
Circus Medley - various composers, arr. Rachel Hecht McConkey
La Java Bleue - Vincent Scotto (1874-1952)
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Looking forward to tonight at Isel
We're looking forward to revisiting Isel Church this evening, after our previous attempt to entertain you was frozen out last Christmas. It's a lovely venue, and on a summer evening, with the late sunshine streaming through the windows, it'll be a real treat.
The River Derwent flows past the church (rather too close, for those who remember the floods of November 2009), enhancing the beauty of the location. It's a great river - I had a swim in it just yesterday, and the water's lovely! (Why not turn up early and bring your cossie?)
So please come along - the concert starts at 7:30 so you should aim to be there a bit before that. We look forward to seeing you.
If you don't know where it is, try clicking on this link to a map:
Isel Church
The River Derwent flows past the church (rather too close, for those who remember the floods of November 2009), enhancing the beauty of the location. It's a great river - I had a swim in it just yesterday, and the water's lovely! (Why not turn up early and bring your cossie?)
So please come along - the concert starts at 7:30 so you should aim to be there a bit before that. We look forward to seeing you.
If you don't know where it is, try clicking on this link to a map:
Isel Church
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Crosthwaite Church, Keswick Thursday April 18th 2013
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It was a horribly wet night, which probably put some people off coming out at all, so the audience was somewhat smaller than the one at Cockermouth the previous week, but I'd like to think that those who did brave the storm felt their trip was worth it. We thoroughly enjoyed playing anyway, in such a lovely old church.
2 Volte Praetorius
Pase el Agoa Portuguese villancico
Tausend Dukaten - Galliard & Pavane Susato
2 Little Fugues JS Bach
Sarabanda A Corelli (arr B Hilton)
Pavane et deux airs en suitte
pour les hautbois, fait au
sacre du Roi 17 october 1610 Collected by A Philidor 1684
Divertimento JB van Hal (arr Klaus Bjerre)
Pizzicato Polka J Strauss (arr J van Goethem/ R McConkey)
20th century
Welsh medley arr R McConkey
Irish collection arr V Hetherington
Scots medley arr AV McGurk
North Country Tunes arr R McConkey
Basin Street Blues S Williams (arr N McConkey)
Paper Doll JS Black (arr D Bloodworth)
Bergamascas S Scheidt (arr B Hilton)
Paradiso & Muy Linda
Pavane & Galliard A Holborne
2 Fugues GP Telemann
Blasersinfonie No.3, 1st movement JC Bach (arr U Herrmann)
Trio Op.133/II
Allegretto-Andantino-Allegretto J Hook
20th Century
By the Light of the Silvery Moon G Edwards
Celebration Rag L Hilling
Serenata B Bonsor
Concert in Aid of the Macular Society, 13th April 2013
Piping Hot shared the bill with other musical friends. (See below) We had a good audience, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. We certainly did!
Piping Hot
Ally McGurk, Bridget, Hilton, Caroline Ullyat, Jane Bebbington, Liz Baker, Rachel McConkey: recorders of many sizes, flutes, guitar, clarinet & accordion.
Peter Warren (guitar)
Helen Hetherington (piano)
Louise Shaw, Wendy Watson, Pauline Banks, Mary Gallagher, Alan Alexander, Coral Price, Jean Hann, Aline Elliot, Lindy Wilson, Margery Brunskill, Margaret Green, Brenda Bryden, Ann Jefferson, Joan Clouston, Sue Hellier, Andrena Hattersley, Trevor Green, Enid Ferguson, Audrey Evans Bridget Hilton, David Hilton: recorders of many sizes, cornamusen of many sizes, soprano crumhorn, violin, 'cello, trombone & percussion.
Piping Hot
Two Fugues JS Bach (1685-1750)
Sarabanda A Corelli (1653-1713) arr B Hilton
Pizzicato Polka J Strauss (1804-1849)
Peter Warren, Jane Bebbington, Rachel McConkey
Trio in G major for 2 flutes & guitar: 1st movement: Moderato F Carulli (1771-1841)
Helen Hetherington, Jane Bebbington, Rachel McConkey
Sicilienne for flute & piano Gabriel Faure (1845-1924)
Peter Warren
Serenata Española J Malats (1872-1912)
Se Ela Perguntar D Reis (1916-1977)
Canço del Llandre Catalan folksong arr M Llobet (early 20th C)
Piping Hot
North Country Tunes arr R McConkey
Basin Street Blues S Williams, arr N McConkey
Paper Doll JS Black (1891-1936) arr D Bloodworth
Celebration Rag L Hilling
U3A Renaissance Band
3 Pieces from Susato's Danserye 1551 T Susato (1510-1570)
Dutsche Tanze - Allemand und Nachtanz
Pass et Medio - Nachtanz der Stross
Peter Warren
Cavatina S Myers (1930-1993)
Prelude No.4 H Villa-Lobos (1887-1959)
Recuerdos de la Alhambra F Tarrega (1852-1909)
Piping Hot (alternative instruments)
La Java Bleue V Scotto (1874-1952) arr B Hilton
Bonny at Morn trad Northumbrian, arr S Phillips with descant by P Hill
Just a Little Fond Affection/Keira Box, Cox & Ilda/ P. Gardner, arr A McGurk
Circus Tunes Medley arr R McConkey
Serenata B Bonsor (1926-2011)
Piping Hot
Ally McGurk, Bridget, Hilton, Caroline Ullyat, Jane Bebbington, Liz Baker, Rachel McConkey: recorders of many sizes, flutes, guitar, clarinet & accordion.
Peter Warren (guitar)
Helen Hetherington (piano)
Louise Shaw, Wendy Watson, Pauline Banks, Mary Gallagher, Alan Alexander, Coral Price, Jean Hann, Aline Elliot, Lindy Wilson, Margery Brunskill, Margaret Green, Brenda Bryden, Ann Jefferson, Joan Clouston, Sue Hellier, Andrena Hattersley, Trevor Green, Enid Ferguson, Audrey Evans Bridget Hilton, David Hilton: recorders of many sizes, cornamusen of many sizes, soprano crumhorn, violin, 'cello, trombone & percussion.
Piping Hot
Two Fugues JS Bach (1685-1750)
Sarabanda A Corelli (1653-1713) arr B Hilton
Pizzicato Polka J Strauss (1804-1849)
Peter Warren, Jane Bebbington, Rachel McConkey
Trio in G major for 2 flutes & guitar: 1st movement: Moderato F Carulli (1771-1841)
Helen Hetherington, Jane Bebbington, Rachel McConkey
Sicilienne for flute & piano Gabriel Faure (1845-1924)
Peter Warren
Serenata Española J Malats (1872-1912)
Se Ela Perguntar D Reis (1916-1977)
Canço del Llandre Catalan folksong arr M Llobet (early 20th C)
Piping Hot
North Country Tunes arr R McConkey
Basin Street Blues S Williams, arr N McConkey
Paper Doll JS Black (1891-1936) arr D Bloodworth
Celebration Rag L Hilling
U3A Renaissance Band
3 Pieces from Susato's Danserye 1551 T Susato (1510-1570)
Dutsche Tanze - Allemand und Nachtanz
Pass et Medio - Nachtanz der Stross
Peter Warren
Cavatina S Myers (1930-1993)
Prelude No.4 H Villa-Lobos (1887-1959)
Recuerdos de la Alhambra F Tarrega (1852-1909)
Piping Hot (alternative instruments)
La Java Bleue V Scotto (1874-1952) arr B Hilton
Bonny at Morn trad Northumbrian, arr S Phillips with descant by P Hill
Just a Little Fond Affection/Keira Box, Cox & Ilda/ P. Gardner, arr A McGurk
Circus Tunes Medley arr R McConkey
Serenata B Bonsor (1926-2011)
Friday, 15 March 2013
Two upcoming gigs
We'll be playing two different concerts in April - one on Saturday 13th and the next on Thursday 18th. Please see our Diary page for more details.
Busy practising hard just now!
Busy practising hard just now!
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